Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case of Genie Essay

1.Describe the case of Genie. What happened to her? Why is this case important? Genie was left in extreme isolation. She was kept in a back bedroom,tied to a toilet. She received little stimulation of any kind and was fed baby food.She was given no visual or other sensory stimulation.This case shows that infancy and childhood are critical times for brain development. 2.What have scientists learned about the way that the brain develops in children? Describe how this development happens. They have learned that there are critical periods for brain development. They discovered that parents fill a vital role in the development of their child’s brain through their interactions with the child.Parents and caregivers must provide proper stimulation to help develop connections. Scientists believed that children’s brains were predetermined to a great extent in terms of how they would develop. However, scientists now know that an infant’s experiences help determine how connections are formed and which pathways will develop in the brain. Thus, rather than being predetermined, an infant’s brain is a work in progress, influenced not only by his or her genetics, but also the surrounding world. 3.Describe how speech generating devices work. Explain the importance of augmentive communication. Speech generating devices are electronic devices that help individuals communicate verbally. Augmentive communication is important because it helps individuals produce or comprehend written or spoken language.These communication devices can be important tools to help children with speech difficulties communicate with parents, teachers, friends, and others in their lives Critical Thinking Questions 1.What do scientists mean when they say that there are critical periods for brain development? Why are these periods important? When scientist say that there are critical periods for brain development they  mean that if a child misses that period they’ll be noticeably different from others in the same age group. These periods are important because they’ll need them all throughout life.

The Market for Chocolate Cookies Is Comprised of Two Types

(a) As the question says the market for chocolate cookies is competitive thus, this complies with the market structure of Perfect Competition where there are a large number of buyers and sellers in the market. The basic characteristics of a Perfect Competition Market structure are that there is perfect knowledge on both sides of the market that is buyers and sellers know what the current market price is and thus, it prevents exploitation of the consumers as producers would not be able to charge unfair prices.This is because each firm produces an insignificant fraction of the total market supply and therefore is unable to affect price, it is for this reason that each firm in perfect competition is known as a price taker. There are no barriers to entry or exit in a perfectly competitive industry and thus, producers can enter or exit the market without any restrictions and thus, without any significant losses. The intersection of demand and supply curves of the industry determines the e quilibrium price a typical producer can charge which also become the demand of the firm.Due to this, the producers cannot exploit the consumers by charging a high price and thus, the price is always at the equilibrium. This is because if the producers charge a higher price, the demand for the product becomes zero, because the consumers can always switch to another producer as the good is homogenous. (Anderton, 2000) Since the Firms in Perfect Competition are Price takers so they both take the current market price, ‘Pe’ as shown in the Graph where the Market Demand and Supply intersects and form the Market equilibrium.D0 can be assumed as the Total Demand of Chocolate Cookies in the market and S0 can be assumed as the Total Supply of the Chocolate Cookies in the Market. Not for profit Organisations’ (NPOs) Average Cost (ATCn) is higher than the Average Cost of Profit Making Organisations, that is ATCp, because Not for profit organisations’ (NPOs) employ dis abled people and their cost is also high because Profit Making Organisation are making use of Capital Intensive technologies thus, more of their production is automated and they employ fewer workers than the NPOs.Average Cost of the Profit Making Firms (ATCp) is equal to the market Price (Pe) so they are making a â€Å"Normal Profit† just because of higher productivity due to which their cost is reduced. A firm makes a Normal Profit when its total Economic Cost, which is Average Cost in other words, is equal to the price firm is charging. In other words it can be said that the firm is making zero economic profit. A firm makes a supernormal profit when its Average Cost (economic cost) is lower than the price it is charging. The NPOs initially in the Short run are making a loss since their Average Cost (ATCn) is greater than the price (Pe) charged.A profit making firm may also make a supernormal profit but in the short run only, in the long run it can only make a normal profit or a zero economic profit. NPOs will be following a cost minimizing price, marginal cost price. (b)(i) A lump sum tax is a fixed amount that is charged as tax irrespective of a business’s profit, sales revenue or capital. According to Mankiw (2009), A lump sum tax is the most efficient tax possible because the business’s decisions do not alter the tax owed, the tax does not causes any dead weight losses and does not distort any incentives.Since, there is a fixed amount payable as tax so there is no administrative expense of hiring tax lawyers and accountants. Short run is the time period when at least one inputs in the production process is fixed and the rest are variable. Usually in the short run, the variable input is labour and the fixed input is capital. In the short run, it is assumed that producers can only alter production by changing the variable inputs rather than any fixed inputs. In the short run, existing firms do not exit the market.When the government imp oses a lump sum tax on the profit making corporations in a perfect competition, it disturbs the market structure of Perfect competition. It challenges the basic theory of Perfect Competition which says no barriers to entry and exit to and from the market. There is no government intervention usually in a perfectly competitive industry since it changes the basic characteristics of the Market Structure. However, after the government decides to impose a tax on the profit making firms only then the Market Structure of the Chocolate Cookies Industry does not remains a ure perfect competition, the Industry has close characteristics with Perfect Competition but cannot be categorised under it just because of the tax imposed. In the short run, the lump-sum tax must only affect the Average cost of the Profit Making firms while all other costs and revenue must be constant if all other factors affecting costs/revenue remain constant. Hence, as shown in the Graph above, The Average cost (ATCp0) o f a Profit making firm will increase depending on the amount of tax imposed by the government.In the graph above, the amount of tax has been assumed to be ATCp1-Pe which shows that the firm is making a loss after the ATCp0 shifts to ATCp1. If the market price is less than the Average Variable cost of the profit making firm, that is the firm is operating below its shut down point (Price = Average Variable Cost) then the firm will have to shut down production in the short run until there is a decrease in its average variable cost or an increase in the market price.But if in case, the market price is greater than Average variable cost but lesser than Average total Cost then the firm must continue production in the short run since it is covering its variable costs for now. (Mankiw, 2007) (ii) Long run is a time period when all the factors/inputs involved in the production process are variable. There are no fixed factors in the long run. In the long run firms can exit and enter the marke t freely.The long run is primarily used to analyze production decisions for a firm and is also used to better understand economies of scale, diseconomies of scale, and long-run market supply. In the long run, there must be a lot of changes in the industry and must also affect the firms in many ways. Like most of the Profit making firms which will be operating below the Shut down point (Price < Average Variable Cost) must not have been able to survive and must have exit the market.That must only shrink the market supply of Chocolate cookies, if all other factors affecting supply remain constant. The shrinking of supply will shift the Market Supply Curve (S0) to the left to the new Market Supply curve (S1) which must lead to an increase in the equilibrium market price of the industry to Pe1. The new market price will result in NPOs making a supernormal, normal profit or at least covering more of its loss in the short run but making a normal profit in the long run, depending on the num ber of exits from the market which should influence the change in market price.The graph below shows NPOs making a supernormal profit (Pe1-ATCn). It shows the Profit making firms also making a normal profit (Pe1 = ATCp1). Again, depending on the number of exits from the market and average costs of the firms, the profit of both the firms must vary. Since the NPOs now can make a Supernormal or at least a normal profit in the long run and will also get donations additionally so they must benefit their workers with all that extra profits earned.Their Disabled workers must earn much more than they were earning before in the short run and before the lump sum tax by the government was imposed. The NPOs may also employ additional workers after earning extra profits. The workers of the Profit making corporation might be worse off in the short run and some workers which will be working in the firms which had to shut down due to higher Average Variable cost than the market price will be fired while others in the long run will be better off comparatively.It will be unfair for the Profit making firms in a way that they produce better quality cookies as compare to NPOs but still NPOs are better off than the Profit Making Organisations in the long run. The consumers of the industry will be worse off in the long run, since they will have to pay a higher price just due to the lump sum tax imposed by the Government to make the NPOs better off in the long run.The tax burden of the Profit making organisations will be totally passed on to the consumers in the long run since they will have to pay the whole tax burden on the producers in the form of price. Word Count: 1531 words without referencing References: Heyne, P. , P. J. Boettke and D. L. Prychitko (2009). Economic Way of Thinking (9th Edition). Mankiw, N. G. (2009). Principles of Economics (5th Edition). Parkin, M. (2007). Economics (8th Edition).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Two Sides of a Coin

I feel i have been fortunate enough to see and experience by living with both the negative and positive aspects of both sides of the coin. The coin here signifies â€Å"Life† And both of its sides are heads and tails denoting â€Å"Rural and city life† Respectively. Undoubtedly in today's time technology has enslaved us in every sphere of our life, it may be rural area or urban area. Everyday government of every country is trying to bring dynamic changes to urbanize the rural areas in every aspect so that the whole nation can progress towards a better and advanced future. The day isn't very far when we would witness every rural area equivalent to cities. There have been detailed researches ,discussions and strategies made every now and then related to the development of rural areas even then i feel rural and city life has carved a niche for each one of them since ancient times which has a fine life of good and bad differences. Countable disparities created by the humans for their own convenience have led to the origin of the term city and rural life. We are homo sapiens who can withstand any condition to survive therefore it is quite ironic to see that human evolution in its path has started losing the importance of their ancestral roots which belong to the rural life from where we all started. Quite obvious the only reason behind this drastic change is a better life and not contentment in life. Both lifestyles are one of their kind. There is a wide range of factors due to which these different lifestyles overshadow each other in negative and positive ways.i find the saying of ancient greek philosopher plato that â€Å"Necessity is the mother of invention† Is very apt when we talk about the concept of human needs. Human started working from the times where everything use to be done manually and have reached a point where people want every task to be completed within a nanosecond. Inventions have led to an easy life. This is the reason why city life has received a boost in its preference over the past few decades and its effect can be seen as the people living in rural areas have been provoked for a comfortable life alike the people in cities and as a result they are moving to towns and cities for a better life which is a very good thing. More awareness and development has surely been witnessed in the past years. Rural areas definitely have their own charm but when it comes to living there without any second thought there a lot of problems which the people face in their day to day life as compared to people living in cities. People residing in cites have a much more fast and meticulous life.they are highly organized and there life is highly influenced by the technology.the key component of city life is better lifestyle which covers health and medical facilities, basic education, hygiene, basic amenities of life such as food , clothes, house, electricity, transportation, awareness of each and every right as citizen, law and order, exposure to new changes occurring every now and then and many more. People in rural areas are considerably orthodox and are less open to changes in lifestyle whereas their counterparts are much more open minded and are willing to live a life out of the box. The paramount difference is of the educated population found in these two areas which shows us why there is utter difference in the awareness level between the two sides of the coin. In rural areas there are insufficient schools and the ones which are providing education are deficient in terms of teachers, modern teaching aids, infrastructure, educational outings and overall development activities. Primary occupation is farming, pottery, weaving ,domesticating animals resulting in average economic conditions due to which people are hesitant in investing money on education of their children. Due to improper education and awareness people are misguided leaving them behind as compared to the highly qualified people living in cities.alongwith this gender, cast, race discrimination and superstitious believes are prevalent even in the present times.the judicial system is not appropriate and they have to go to cities for any kind of legal help. Water and electricity facilities are not good enough to meet the irrigation and daily life requirements. In addition to this transportation facilities also lack quality. Consequentially people are moving out of the villages to cities and abroad to overcome the financial and educational barriers leading them to financially sound and better life.many people have provided financial aid in the development of several villages which has attributed tremendous improvement in health,education and many other sectors.furthermore, despite all the hurdles people of rural areas face they are fighting with all the circumstances and are trying to be a part of the changing world and have a high sense of contentment and are much more spiritual in comparison to urban dwellers as they are living in the lap of nature and to a considerable extent they are still away from a sedentary lifestyle. This is the reason they are much more healthier due to the muscular effort they require in the daily work they do which is very essential rather than earning any sort of luxury in life which costs us our health.on the contrary people residing in cities enjoy several times better way of living. People are engulfed in all sorts of activities such as gaming zones, various kinds of sports, multi storey malls, parks, music and many more entertainment facilities. Educational facilities are commendable and focus is mainly on education and then leading a better life. Yet people are facing the crisis of lesser job opportunities which has led to increased crime rates as compared to rural areas.everything is easily accessible due to hike in e-commerce and globalization over the decades. Judicial system is quite effective and active as compared to rural areas .technology has captured people in its web leaving them dependent on gadgets, machines reducing manual work and making them potato couches. People stay busy in the hustle bustle of life meeting their aims of being financial sound and give less importance to health and family values. Children have shifted to playing games on computers, mobile phones and studying under strict schedules .transportation is available at ease. Since the muscular work has dropped down to zero people are facing a lot of health issues.all sorts of health facility is available. People are highly occupied and barely give time to themselves and are less attentive towards family life. Both lifestyles have their own pros and is crucial to live a balanced and peaceful life no matter how much we have progressed with whatever resources we are blessed which maybe man-made or natural.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Opening business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opening business - Essay Example For example, Microsoft claims its MSN Hotmail (free of cost email service) as a global product. A global product or service can indeed be marketed as it is claimed by every major producer of global products. For example, Google markets its search engine in various countries with respect to the local social and cultural issues. Another example of car manufacturing and producing giant Toyota, who market their global products (such as Toyota Corolla) which are meant to be for the use in various regions of the world by different types of end-users with different specifications and different levels of customizations. However, this also is a very controversial claim. A true global product is the one which is produced with a same version for multiple regions of the world. For example, Michael Jackson's earth song is a global product, since it is meant to be for individuals belonging to different regions, ethnicities, social and cultural backgrounds. It is not like that a different earth song is made for people in India and there is a different version of earth song for people in Euro pe. Customer Relations Management (CRM) is the implementation of process of moving towards long-term, cost-effective, mutually beneficial trust with selected customers while maintaining interactive relationship2.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Continuity Planning in a Large Retail Supply Chain Research Paper

Business Continuity Planning in a Large Retail Supply Chain - Research Paper Example Because of my current position problems with the supply chain can directly affect my work load and I want to know more about a retail supply chain and how the supply chain connections can be protected. This paper will be geared towards professionals in both business continuity and retail management. I would like the people in these professions to be able to learn from my paper the need for a better BCP for protecting a company’s supply chain. Opening Statement: Business continuity planning in large retail supply chains is not thorough enough. Large retailers that depend on outsourced supply chains are not managing their supplier risks. The Marsh Supply Chain Survey results show that no one is managing their supply chain risks very well. In fact only about 33% of them are even managing their risks moderately effectively (Hiles, 2011). According to Hiles (2011), supply chain is an all inclusive term that constitutes the management of both downstream and upstream relations with c lients and suppliers. This is desirable because it allows for timely delivery of superior client value at a lesser cost. Certainly, this is sustainable because both parties benefit optimally and are able to sustain their wellbeing through time. In order to protect this process, businesses have to look at the end-to-end supply chain process and build a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that covers all parts of it. ... leaner business, businesses can â€Å"enhance their operational effectiveness, which essentially improves firm performance and competitiveness† (Liu, Lin, Hayes, 2010, p222). However if a business fails to manage the risks associated with running leaner than they will lose all of these benefits. By not managing their supply chain risks, large retail companies are leaving themselves vulnerable to possible business failure. Hypothesis: This research is informed and guided by distinct assumptions. To begin with, the study presumes that both upstream suppliers and downstream, consumers directly affect the continuity of the retail supply chain. Large retailers should therefore clearly analyze their contribution to business failure or success and make necessary and timely interventions. The study is also based on the assumption that current large retailers are faced with complex risks that stem from the relationships that they establish and maintain at various levels. Further, it pr esumes that inability to manage the risks effectively not only reduces efficiency but also increases the susceptibility of retailers to failure. Finally, this study presumes that relevant interventions can only be identified addressed in a timely manner through continued monitoring. From this point of view, business continuity plans are therefore vitally important. Discussion of Findings: As indicated earlier, retail supply chains are increasingly becoming more and more complex. These can be attributed to the increasing complexity of the relative relationships. Globalization trends have compelled businesses to explore various options in a bid to maintain a competitive edge. In his study, Hotchkiss (2010) found out that the complexity of the business environment has diversified the risks that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should the instant replay used in the NFL be applied to other sports Essay

Should the instant replay used in the NFL be applied to other sports - Essay Example Instant replays were necessitated by the need to be accurate. There was a problem when teams were awarded titles and trophies they did not deserve. One point can make a significant difference. One score can be the difference between the winner and the loser. It has been observed that teams have been given points they did not score. All because the referee thought the ball went past the score line. In 2010 FIFA world cup, for instance, in South Africa when England was playing against Germany England was denied a goal by the referees. Yet replays confirmed the ball went past the goal line. Before a team wins a championship, it costs the team a lot of money, effort and time. Teams invest up to millions of dollars in these activities so that they can win. When an unfair decision by a referee denies a team a crucial victory, then it causes anger and frustrations. Yet the referees cannot be in every place within the field of play.... Before a team wins a championship, it costs the team a lot of money, effort and time, (Kramer 194). Teams invest up to millions of dollars in these activities so that they can win. When an unfair decision by a referee denies a team a crucial victory, then it causes anger and frustrations. Yet the referees cannot be in every place within the field of play, (Wiederhold and W Sutphen 54). The other problem involved cases of discipline in the field of play. There are instances in which players attack each other in a way that is malicious, (Verna 21). Some of those incidences can result to injuries. The referees are not always in a position a see some of these incidences as they happen. Most of these incidences are captured by video cameras. These footages are aired in the course of the game, (Gamache 101). This sparks a wave of outrage from fans and supporters. Sometimes the referees are accused of being biased. This happen when it is perceived that the referee is being unfair to one tea m. The referees need to be at a position to see things as they happen in the field of play. Referees involve instant replay technology. Instant play helps to sort of some of these challenges. Tournaments must be a fair platform. This is because they must show genuine effort being rewarded. Technology must be used to solve the problems that exist if it has to make sense to us. There should be a way of spotting and monitoring all the incidences in the course of the game. This makes sure that all cases that require disciplinary action as handled in the right way, (Verna 21). The other serious problem is on the bases of security of the players in the field. This also extends to the security of the fans watching the game in the field. There have

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyzing Ethical Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing Ethical Behavior - Essay Example usiness should behave, and this goes a long way in creating an organizational culture which will see the business increase its efficiency (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, 2010). Business ethics will stipulate how the business relates to its stakeholders to ensure that there is a good relationship hence reduces cases of lawsuits, make high profits and ensure business continuity. In the past, unethical business practices have resulted to various scandals, which have resulted to serious economic disasters. Since firms have the need to increase their profits they will engage in lucrative practices, which will make them earn unfair profits and benefit from unethical practices. For any company to be successful, it has to protect all their shareholders since everyone will feel comfortable in an environment where they see their needs are being considered. Trust created by the business to all its stakeholders goes a long way in increasing the businesses’ success and profitability. This paper will look at the financial events surrounding Bernie Madoff, and ENRON and elaborate on the consequences and implications related to a lack of code of ethics. Enron Corporation was a company in the energy sector located in Texas and had an employee base of 21000 workers in 2001 before it went out of business. The company fell due to false accounting techniques, which made it to be listed as one of the largest companies in the United States with a rating of seventh overall (Lashinsky, 2001). The company was expected to control the market since it had securities in communications, energy and weather portfolios. The company had a well set out fraud plan by using support from political powers to get favors and get an unfair advantage. The company could shut down power plants so that they could get extra money by charging high rates for energy due to the shortages they created. The company used favors from president bush and Clinton to get an unfair advantage, and it is said that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Human Resources - Essay Example Since I'm holding the position of Human Resources Director for National Lewis and Clark Corporation (NL&C) I had to check the employee's responsibilities. I always had to be in contact with my colleagues and subordinates. The Human Resource department is the heart and soul of any organization or company or firm. After joining the company I noticed that though the company has implemented the salary-sharing plan, the salary was much lesser when compared to national averages. Furthermore they hired candidates who were less experienced and less trained to higher positions. I later found that due to lawsuits filed against them by previous employees, to fill those positions they hires the inexperienced candidates. The employees should work as team and there should be no place for jealousy and complacency. HRM would involve going beyond an agreement to add 'women's issues' to the research agenda, to recognition of the gendered character of employment relations and of work itself. The employees of the company were facing many difficulties. Due to accidents and some ailing factors employees were unable to perform up to the mark. I suggested the company to follow the rules of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to the

Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society Research Paper

Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that some researchers claim that the school assignment policies must focus mainly on socioeconomic integration instead of racial integration. Even though the most significant aim is racial integration, economic integration is significant if academic achievement is to be boosted. The low socioeconomic status of a learning institution is openly connected to minimal learning for students, even when age, family socioeconomic status, and race have been controlled. Additionally, so as to be able to appreciate the proper social significance of integration, it is good to focus on the long-term results rather than short-term outcomes. Although the court verdicts limit schools to take into consideration race in the admission processes, these verdicts do not forbid racial deliberations in total. Since there is a strong affiliation between school integration and neighborhood in the present days, the court ruling should on integration instead concentrate on decreasing ethnic s egregation in the neighborhoods. This paper makes a conclusion that school segregation in the United States is still present even after court rulings that enhance integration. Greatness ought to be shared no matter what race or age you are in, it is good to have a society that is integrated so as to be able to achieve civil rights goals. Additionally, when enacting policies, the lawmakers must make sure the laws touch all aspects of segregation, and there should be a continuous oversight if the laws are being adhered to.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Comparison - Essay Example At the same time, the tables are turned, and he depends on his family and assistance and care from his sister while it used to be the other way round; hence, the family which was dependent on him has to start working again. The play Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner by Alan Sillitoe follows the life of a young boy who is caught robbing a bakery by the law enforcers, and this lands him a place at the prison school at Ruxton Towers. The living conditions at the Borstal are tough and Smith seeks solace in long-distance running to escape from these circumstances. He attracts the attention of the school authorities who promise early to release from the brutality of Borstal if he wins an important cross-country championship. Smith has all the reasons and the powers to win the competition, but on an interesting turn of events, he deliberately loses the race to the dismay of spectators and school authorities. The two stories seek to present the social problems faced by the society, whic h are social and emotional alienation, loneliness as demonstrated by the main characters. Both authors, Kafka and Sillitoe explore effective use of metaphor to address these issues and present them to the audience. While Kafka uses vermin, Sillitoe uses running. Both are demonstrated throughout the respective stories in examining major obstacles faced by the characters. Therefore, the metaphors are used to convey the actions of the characters, Samsa and Smith, and how they interact with them to achieve the purpose of the stories. Kafka is one of the greatest German writers, famous for writing technique that unites concrete and figurative language in order to demonstrate purpose and idea. As such, amazing use of metaphor in writing is one of the significant elements of his writing techniques. In the story Metamorphosis, he does not fail short of this technique, which he uses to convey the social problems in the society through the main character. Kafka uses metaphor to represent or r eveal the relationship between people or characters in the story, in which he uses vermin. The first metaphor in this story is metamorphosis itself whereby Samsa suddenly changes to a monstrous insect one morning. Samsa contributes a great deal to the enhancement of the metaphor of metamorphosis because, despite unusual transformation, he does not stop to question why and how it could be possible. Metamorphosis is a metaphor because it is unrealistic for human beings to transform into insects, but Samsa accepts this situation fairly, readily without questioning the reality or logic behind this matter. This direction taken by the main character is peculiar because normal human nature would seek inquiry to explain the transformation. This lack of query is unusual, and one could argue that the transformation occurred mentally and not physically. The transformation into a beetle represents the life in Samsa’s family, as well as a reflection of his own life. Samsa provides for his family the same way an insect would provide for the rest of the members; thus, the transformation represents his role in the family. He is so much concerned with work and provision for his family that he does not even have hobbies or real friends, let alone a good friendship with his own family. This behavior can be compared to that of an insect, and thus, Samsa successfully delivers the purpose of the story with the aid of the metaphor. Another metaphor in this story is communication in the Samsa family. Kafka uses metap

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Influence of Classical Theorists on Contemporary Culture Assignment

The Influence of Classical Theorists on Contemporary Culture - Assignment Example The fast success of the movement garnered the support and sympathy of ordinary citizens to oppose the unfairness of the cuts and tax evasion tactics of the affluent. Lessons Learned from the Uncut Movement Aside from the glaring injustice of the tax restrictions on public spending, the significant and relevant models that can be seen in this phenomenal development in this example are the fundamental beliefs on economics and social change, class relations of capitalism and the theory of Hegemony. According to Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher, hegemony is the permeation throughout society of an entire system of values, attitudes, beliefs, and morality that has the effect of supporting the status quo in power relations. Hegemony is an organizing principle diffused by the process of socialization into every area of daily life. To the extent that this prevailing consciousness is internalized by the population, it becomes part of what is normally known as common sense so tha t the philosophy, culture, and morality of the ruling elite appear as the natural order of things.  (Boggs  1976 p.39) This Uncut protest action is a classic example of the concepts of classical thinkers notably Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel and Gramsci regarding the basic beliefs mentioned earlier. Hegel aptly described the state in modern societies as the highest form of social reason. It represents the culmination of progress through history and the fact that the state is able to integrate self-interested members of civil society, who if left to themselves would be interested only in pursuing the personal goals of personal enrichment. (Callinicos, 2007 p.46) Karl Marx has a relevant discourse that elucidates the circumstances surrounding the reaction of the people towards the matter of reductions in public expenditures and tax avoidance by the moneyed sector. The economic basis of the social order must be seen as a complex totality made up of relationships between different elements engaged in production. â€Å"The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.† (Morrison, Marx, Weber and Durkheim, 2006, pp. 214-216)).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sylvia Gregorio Essay Example for Free

Sylvia Gregorio Essay As a trainee I’m happy for the output that I have made. After a long preparation and great efforts just to make sure that this documentation were done very well, and when this portfolio were done all the fatigues that I had were relieved. I would like to thank first of all to god that gave me strength and their guide. Then to Sir Sherwin Sapin for giving us freedom and time to work this output, to my family and friends that gave me all their support, and to all employee of Experiment Station (IRRI). What have I learned from the experience? (Non-IT and IT) I have learned a lot in my training regarding in IT with the big participation of the Experiment Station Unit. My first job at the Experiment Station Unit is Unexpected. I’m really not expecting that the first day of my training was mentally painful. My supervisor asked me if I can make a program for their system. And what program language I am using. Then I said I can create a several program in Visual Basic 6.0. Then she decided to give me a job and at that day I’m not expecting that she assigned me to analyze the flow and flow process of a system. At first I am regretful and I ask myself, what is this? Why I tell to her that I can create a several program even though I really create a simple program but this is not a simple work it is totally mental painful. Well I had no choice at that day I had no idea what I’m going to do with that kind of work. I am thinking and thinking and thinking. What appearance should the system have? How does the system can help the users and how did I going to start to create a system? It’s seemed that my job here is really an IT related. And in the next other days little by little I construct a form. I’m searching for the codes and designing it step by step. Until every passing day I I have always an additional useful  codes, forms, layouts, and objects that completed my database system. It’s sp pleasure to me when I always added a new useful tool for it but eventually like I said it not easy to create a database system. You need a focus on it and fortunately by my diligence and perseverance I presented the system that I’ve made even if it is a simple system. The importance is it is useful, helpful and reliable to the users my supervisor was so proud at me specially me myself. Because I’m taking the name of my school that’s why I have the responsibility to promote it that’s why I’ve done my best to do what my supervisor assigned to me. When I always staring at the system that I’ve done I always remember the unforgettable moments that I’ve done in IRRI. At first it is mentally painful but eventually you also benefit on it. Aside from making a system they were expecting that I have a great advantage in computer technology. That’s why they always give me an activity in power point, excel, ms word, ms access, paint and I’m also installing a software sometimes. Because my profession is computer related I am always assigned at the computer field activities. When it comes from Non-IT job like paper works, office works and many more I’m also doing this activities like file arranging, file updating, inventory, odometer reading, seeds repacking, scanning, printing, laminating, phone call answering and many more. Introduction This Report is a compilation of all documents and experiences of the associate in Information Technology students namely: John Lester Banasihan during his Training at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). This Report tells to the reader what they have done and what they have learned during his On-The-Job-Training. It tells the reader how memorable this training experience. It also tells the reader what he can recommend for the improvement of On-The-Job-Training Program and his advice to those who will take their OJT in the near future. This Report contains four chapters; first chapter is History, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives and also The Background of the Company where they took his OJT. Second Chapter, His Weekly Progress Report. Third Chapter is the assessment of OJT and the last  Chapter is all the Pertinent Documents.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Natural Product Synthesis

Importance of Natural Product Synthesis History of medicine dates back practically to the existence of human civilization. Historically, the majority of new drugs have been generated from natural products and from compounds derived from natural products. Natural products, including plants, animals and minerals have always been a source of therapeutic agents for many years. Natural products sometimes exhibit pharmacological or biological property that can be of therapeutic benefit in treating diseases. As such, natural products are the active components not only of most  traditional medicines  but also of many newer medications. Furthermore, synthetic analogs of natural products with improved potency and safety can be prepared and therefore natural products are often used as Lead Copmpounds for  drug discovery. In fact, natural products are the inspiration for approximately one half of U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs. The birth of the natural product synthesis dates back to 1828 when Friedrich Wà ¶hler synthesized urea, a naturally occurring substance from ammonium cyanate. This event as trivial as it may seem by today’s standards not only gave birth to a boundless science called organic synthesis but also contributed to a demystification of mother Nature by burying the fact that synthesis of nature’s molecules is her exclusive domain. The second major achievement in the field of organic synthesis is the synthesis of acetic acid from elemental carbon by Kolbe3 in 1845. It is historically significant because Kolbe coined the word Synthesis for the first time to describe the process of assembling a chemical compound from other substances. The total synthesis of naturally occurring pigments alizarin in 1869 by Graebe and Liebermann and indigo in 1878 by Baeyer represent landmark accomplishments in the field. Probably, after urea, the most spectacular total synthesis of the nineteenth c entury was that of Emil Fischer’s (†¡)-glucose not only for the complexity of the target but also for the considerable stereochemical control that accompanied it. Figure 1: Although the precedent was set in the nineteenth century, it was only in the twentieth century the field of total synthesis started to flourish when Robert Burns Woodward synthesized Quinine. This event ushered in the modern era of total synthesis and Woodward who received the 1965 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for several brilliant examples of total synthesis such as his 1954 synthesis of strychnine, cholesterol5 is regarded as the father of modern organic synthesis. Figure 2: Today the art of organic synthesis has improved to astoundingly high levels of sophistication. Through its practice, chemists are able to synthesize organic molecules of all types of structural motifs and for all intents and purposes. Some modern classical examples of total synthesis include the synthesis of prostaglandin PG2ÃŽ ± and Ginkgolide by E. J Corey, Ingenol by Wood, Brevetoxin by Nicolaou, Vancomycin by Evans, Taxol by Holton6, Nicolaou7, Wender and Danishefsky8 groups independently. The discipline of natural product synthesis today, is an important field of investigation whose dividends stretch from new scientific knowledge to practical applications. Considered by many as the flagship of organic synthesis, natural product synthesis symbolizes the power of chemical synthesis at any given time and defines its scope and limitations. It also serves to improve chemical synthesis by attempting to push its frontiers into higher molecular complexity, diversity, and efficiency. they can synthesize not only the molecules of nature and their analogues, but also myriad other organic molecules for potential applications in many areas of science, technology and everyday life Introduction to THF-containing natural products Tetrahydrofuran (THF)-containing natural products widely occur in several important families of biologically active compounds, such as the annonaceous acetogenins [1] and polyether antibiotics isolated from Streptomyces organisms (ionomycin, lonomycins A–C, or monensin) [2]. It’s worthwhile at this juncture to discuss few THF ring containing natural products such as which have been of paramount importance to the mankind and also to the researchers who have been actively involved in the synthesis and isolation of these natural products. Acetogenins Acetogenins abbreviated as AAGs are a group of THF-Containing natural products isolated from Annonacae species which are vastly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. They exhibit different biological activities such as antitumor, ant-imalarial, anti microbial, anti protozoal, pesticidal activities2. The common structural features of acetogenins include several free hydroxy groups with various stereo centers, differently located oxygenated functional groups and tetrahydrofuran (THF) ring(s) along the long hydrocarbon chain with an ÃŽ ±, ÃŽ ²-unsaturated ÃŽ ´-lactone moiety at the end. Uvaricin, a bis THF acetogenin was the first of the AAGs isolated from Uvaria acuminata in 1982. It exhibited potent anti-cancer activity by inhibiting NADH cells in the mitochondrion. The total synthesis of Hexepi-Uvaricin was published by Hoye in 1994 and subsequently first total synthesis was achieved by Keinan in 1998. Montanacin D is a non classical acetogenin isolated from the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Annona Montana16 by Qin group in 1999, possessing a 4,8-cis THP ring along with a 16,19-trans THF ring. Ionomycin Amphidinolides Amphidinolides constitute a series of unique cytotoxic polyketide macrolides obtained from marine symbiotic dinoflagellates of the genus Amphidinium, which are symbionts of Okinawan marine flatworms Amphiscolops spp.1 They exhibit potent cytotoxic activity against murine lymphoma L1210 cells and human epidermoid carcinoma KB cells. Given below are some important Amphidinolides that incorporate a THF-ring in their structure Pectenotoxins Pectenotoxin (PTX)-group toxins are a group of polyether macrolide compounds found in microalgae and bivalve molluscs of Australia, Japan, New Zealand and some parts of Europe. Their presence in shellfish was discovered due to their high acute toxicity in the mouse bioassay after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of lipophilic extracts of shellfish. Pectinotoxins are exclusively produced by Dinophysis species. In shellfish they are always accompanied by closely related okadaic acid (OA)-group toxins. The common structural features of (PTX)-group toxins include a spiroketal group, three THF-rings, a bicyclic ketal and a six-membered cyclic hemiketal (Allingham et al., 2007). PTX2 is beleived to be the main precursor, from which many PTX-group toxins are derived through biotransformation during metabolism in the gut of bivalves. It is suggested that an oxidation of PTX2 occurs, leading to the formation of other PTX-group toxins, including PTX1, PTX3, and PTX6 PTX-group toxins have been shown to cause cell cycle arrest, cell death and apoptosis. The wide range (10-9 and 10-6 M) of effective concentrations of PTX-group toxins as well as the apparent resistance of some cell lines to the cytotoxic effect of PTX-group toxins indicate the existence of cell-specific factors affecting the sensitivity of biological systems to this group of natural compounds. Studies have confirmed that PTX2 induces apoptosis in several cell lines through multiple mechanisms, involving the perturbation of the cell cycle machinery, inhibition of mitotic separation and cytokinesis through the depolymerization of actin filaments. Oscillariolide and Phormidolide Oscillariolide is a halogenated macrolide isolated from a marine blue-green alga Oscillatoria sp. from Gokashowan-Bay, Mie Prefecture. It exhibits significant cytotoxic activity in the echinoderm egg assay. Phormidolide, a closely related macrolide was isolated from the extract of a laboratory culture of an Indonesian isolate of the cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. It displayed cytotoxicity towards drine shrimp with a LC50 of 1.5  µM. The characteristic features of both oscillariolide and phormidolide include a trisubstituted bridged THF macrolactone with a long polyhydroxy chain containing a unique terminal bromo diene. Structural elucidation revealed that the polyhydroxy side as well as THF ring of both compounds have same stereochemistry Chagosensine Chagosensine is a sixteen-membered chlorinated macrolide isolated from the methanolic chloroform extract of a bright yellow sponge Leucetta chagosensis usually found in the coral reefs of Red Sea, Aqaba Gulf (Israel). the extract of the Leucetta sp. sponge exhibited potent ability to inhibit the epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway. A new mechanism for the action of naamidine A and inhibition of tumor cells was shown.

History of the Microwave Oven

History of the Microwave Oven A Brief History of the Microwave Oven Like many of todays great inventions, the microwave oven was a by-product of another technology. It was during a radar-related research project around 1946 that Dr. Percy Spencer, a self-taught engineer with the Raytheon Corporation, noticed something very unusual. He was testing a new vacuum tube called a magnetron, when he discovered that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. This intrigued Dr. Spencer, so he tried another experiment. This time he placed some popcorn kernels near the tube and, perhaps standing a little farther away, he watched with an inventive sparkle in his eye as the popcorn sputtered, cracked and popped all over his lab. The next morning, Scientist Spencer decided to put the magnetron tube near an egg. Spencer was joined by a curious colleague, and they both watched as the egg began to tremor and quake. The rapid temperature rise within the egg was causing tremendous internal pressure. Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face. The face of Spencer lit up with a logical scientific conclusion: the melted candy bar, the popcorn, and now the exploding egg, were all attributable to exposure to low-density microwave energy. Thus, if an egg can be cooked that quickly, why not other foods? Experimentation began Dr. Spencer fashioned a metal box with an opening into which he fed microwave power. The energy entering the box was unable to escape, thereby creating a higher density electromagnetic field. When food was placed in the box and microwave energy fed in, the temperature of the food rose very rapidly. Dr. Spencer had invented what was to revolutionize cooking, and form the basis of a multimillion dollar industry, the microwave oven. A Bit of Trivia: The Speedie Weenie Project In the spring of 1946, Percy Spencer and an associate, P.R. Hanson (Roly Hanson), were working on a secret project they called the Speedy Weenie. Muriel Withrow remembers the project well. She recalls, The Speedy Weenie Project was the nickname Mr. Spencer and my boss, Roly Hanson, gave to their secret project, the microwave [oven] Speedie Weenie meaning a quick hot dog!' (Our thanks to Mrs. Withrow for sharing this little known detail) Click HERE: 1958 Issue of Readers Digest article about Dr. Percy Spencer Click HERE: Wikiverse A World of Knowledge. Article about Percy Spencer with additional links. Nearly 6 Feet Tall, Weighing 750 Pounds Engineers went to work on Spencers hot new idea, developing and refining it for practical use. By late 1946, the Raytheon Company had filed a patent proposing that microwaves be used to cook food. An oven that heated food using microwave energy was then placed in a Boston restaurant for testing. At last, in 1947, the first commercial microwave oven hit the market. These primitive units where gigantic and enormously expensive, standing 5 1/2 feet tall, weighing over 750 pounds, and costing about $5000 each. The magnetron tube had to be water-cooled, so plumbing installations were also required. Initial Reactions Were Unfavorable Not surprisingly, many were highly reluctant about these first units, and so they found only limited acceptance. Initial sales were disappointingbut not for long. Further improvements and refinements soon produced a more reliable and lightweight oven that was not only less expensive, but, with the development of a new air-cooled magnetron, there was no longer any need for a plumber. The microwave oven had reached a new level of acceptance, particularly with regard to certain industrial applications. By having a microwave oven available, restaurants and vending companies could now keep products refrigerator-fresh up to the point of service, then heat to order. The result? Fresher food, less waste, and money saved. New and Unusual Applications As the food industry began to recognize the potential and versatility of the microwave oven, its usefulness was put to new tests. Industries began using microwaves to dry potato chips and roast coffee beans and peanuts. Meats could be defrosted, precooked and tempered. Even the shucking of oysters was made easier by microwaves. Other industries found the diverse applications of microwave heating quite advantageous. In time, microwaves were being used to dry cork, ceramics, paper, leather, tobacco, textiles, pencils, flowers, wet books and match heads. The microwave oven had become a necessity in the commercial market and the possibilities seemed endless. The First Radarange In 1947, Raytheon demonstrated the worlds first microwave oven and called it a Radarange, the winning name in an employee contest. Housed in refrigerator-sized cabinets, the first microwave ovens cost between $2,000 and $3,000. Sometime between 1952-55, Tappan introduced the first home model priced at $1295. In 1965 Raytheon acquired Amana Refrigeration. Two years later, the first countertop, domestic oven was introduced. It was a 100-volt microwave oven, which cost just under $500 and was smaller, safer and more reliable than previous models. By 1975 Sales of Microwave Ovens Exceeded that of Gas Ranges Technological advances and further developments led to a microwave oven that was polished and priced for the consumer kitchen. However, there were many myths and fears surrounding these mysterious new electronic radar ranges. By the seventies, more and more people were finding the benefits of microwave cooking to outweigh the possible risks, and none of them were dying of radiation poisoning, going blind, sterile, or becoming impotent (at least not from using microwave ovens). As fears faded, a swelling wave of acceptance began filtering into the kitchens of America and other countries. Myths were melting away, and doubt was turning into demand. By 1975, sales of microwave ovens would, for the first time, exceed that of gas ranges. The following year, a reported 17% of all homes in Japan were doing their cooking by microwaves, compared with 4% of the homes in the United States the same year. Before long, though, microwave ovens were adorning the kitchens in over nine million homes, or about 14%, of all the homes in the United States. In 1976, the microwave oven became a more commonly owned kitchen appliance than the dishwasher, reaching nearly 60%, or about 52 million U.S. households. Americas cooking habits were being drastically changed by the time and energy-saving convenience of the microwave oven. Once considered a luxury, the microwave oven had developed into a practical necessity for a fast-paced world. An expanding market has produced a style to suit every taste; a size, shape, and color to fit any kitchen, and a price to please almost every pocketbook. Options and features, such as the addition of convection heat, probe and sensor cooking, meet the needs of virtually every cooking, heating or drying application. Today, the magic of microwave cooking has radiated around the globe, becoming an international phenomenon. Inventor Spencer Doctor Spencer continued at Raytheon as a senior consultant until he died at the age of 76. At the time of his death, Dr. Spencer held 150 patents and was considered one of the worlds leading experts in the field of microwave energy, despite his lack of a high school education. On September 18, 1999, Dr. Percy LaBaron Spencer was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and took his place in history alongside such great inventors as Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and George Washington Carver. History of the Microwave Oven History of the Microwave Oven Have you ever imagined your life without a microwave oven? To begin with, the word microwave is originated from the Greek word ‘micros, which means small and refers to high frequency radio waves, the shortest waves of the electromagnetic spectrum (ideafinder, 2009). Furthermore, it can be said that microwaves work by heating up water molecules in the food and this saves time from cooking since it is a relatively fast method of cooking compared to others (history, 2009). It all began in 1946, during World War II while a research related to radars was carried out. Dr. Percy Spencer, commonly known as an electronics genius (ideafinder, 2009), was working at that time in one of his experiment laboratories at Raytheon Company. He then realised that something strange had happened. While experimenting on a magnetron, vacuum tube, a chocolate bar situated in his pocked melted and intrigued him. Dr. Spencer did not hesitate and carried out a second experiment to identify the cause of that outcome by placing some popcorn kennels next to the magnetron and as a result the popcorn eventually popped and was thrown all over his lab. Fascinated by this outcome, the next morning Dr. Spencer carried out a further experiment using an egg which exploded from the microwaves radiation and as a result burned his workmates face. At that point the brilliant idea of why not using microwaves to cook food faster came to Dr. Spencers mind. Having made his observations Dr. Spencer designed a metal box, where by using microwaves that could not escape the box, food could be cooked in it quickly. As a result, Spencer and Raytheon during the last months of 1946 manufactured the microwave oven, which was mainly used in restaurants, ocean liners and in the coaches of the trains. By 1947 the invention launched in the market after the name ‘Radarange and it must be noticed that microwave ovens are considered as by-products of another technology, since their invention resulted from the research of another technology, the radars. However, ‘Radarange was huge, weighted 750 pounds, cost around $5000 and had to be cooled down using water after each use which required further costs and acted as a disincentive to consumers. After having made several modifications to the product, the first commercial microwave ‘1161 Radarange launched in the market in 1954 and cost $1295 and its power was 1600 Watts making it enormous and expensive again. This products consumers were restaurants and specific institutions. Later on in 1967 a turning point in the microwave ovens history was made after Amana, a division of Raytheon designed the domestic microwave oven appliance. It cost about $500 and was smaller in size. As years passed by the demand for microwaves increased and in 1975 sales of microwave ovens overcame the sales of gas ranges. As reported 17% of Japanese homes used microwaves as well as 4% of US households. However in 1976, microwave ovens usage rose to 60% in United States (gallawa, 2009). The innovatio n process of microwave ovens resulted from consumers preferences (lecture notes2, 2009). The demand of microwave ovens kept rising and its price kept falling generating competition since even more companies were entering the market. However, Nelson and Winter (1982) support, that technical modification is a guidance to human advancement but can bring about negative externalities as well, influencing the stakeholders. Some believed that microwave ovens would have adverse effects on peoples health but consumers realised that microwave ovens could help them in their everyday life cooking without doing any harm to them since there were no signs of radioactivity (gallawa, 2009). It can be said that it is a result of lateral thinking due to the fact that it eliminates criticisms and disbeliefs of stakeholders (Lecture Notes 2, 2009). As a result of combining several ideas microwave ovens took several forms in order to reflect consumers taste and needs. This means that the manufacturers ac t as business men and target several markets trying to differentiate their products in order to be unique and gain large amounts of profits. An entrepreneur is ‘the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits (Richard Cantillon, 1755, Lecture Notes 1). In this case Dr. Spencer in collaboration with Raytheon, are considered as entrepreneurs since they made the first microwave oven and launched it in the market with the purpose of making profits. According to Joseph Schumpeter ‘Whatever the type, someone is an entrepreneur only when he actually carries out new combinations, and losses that character as soon as he has built up his business'(1934, Lecture Notes 2). This exemplifies that Dr. Spencer was an entrepreneur while experimenting on the metal box in order to manufacture a microwave oven but lost this character when his product got in the market. Additionally, the innovation of this product according to Schumpeters crucial distinction is a discrete change, since this innovation transformed unexpectedly in the market and no existing technology related to it. Some can argue that previous oven versions can be compared to it but the technology used while manufacturing the microwave oven is way much different since it involves microwave waves, which automatically detach it from being similar to any typical oven. Moreover, no signs of previous research concerning the product existed in the market and microwave oven reflected the customers choice. ‘Radarage had nothing similar to it in the market, and therefore predictions about the products success couldnt be made. Dr. Spencer and Raytheon were taking a risk, which was later proven to be a total failure. Improvements to the microwave oven and modifications that occurred later on resulted to gradual changes in innovation. Being closely related to previous editions of the produ ct it then reflected customers choice and remained in the market (Lecture Notes 2, 2009). Freeman (1984) explains stakeholders as ‘any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the firms objectives and stakeholders can either be primary, those who have an immediate effect on the company or secondary, those who do not affect the company but can control it through primary ones. A stakeholder analysis would help while promoting the appliance and responding to the risks arising from this product being in the market. Will everybody be affected? All affected parties should be identified and considered and it must be stated how the product will affect their daily routine as well as if any legal issues might arise regarding the patent of the invention. Then, uncertainty would be reduced if all factors are considered fairly, since risks would be obvious and profits could be determined. Eventually, launch strategies would be designed like improving the current appliance and promoting it in the market by using the most suitable method (Lecture Not es 2, 2009). Nevertheless, the microwave oven plays a gigantic role on societys welfare. From the point in time when Dr. Spencer was experimenting on the magnetron and found out about the melt chocolate bar in his pocket until the conclusion was made stating that microwaves can be used to cook food, innovation started and it was defined. Then as a generating solution, Dr. Spencer through brainstorming and lateral thinking started the design of the new appliance. Afterwards, by combining several ideas he reached the ideal theory for the production of the microwave oven. Additionally, Raytheon Company helped Dr. Spencer with his idea and created the fist microwave oven to be launched in the market and this is described as selecting the optimal solution. Finally, after the construction of the microwave oven, one of the most crucial parts of the innovation process was done, that was to persuade the consumers that by investing in the product, they would get a benefit, and also persuade the company tha t microwave oven would generate profits. Abernathy and Clark (1985) and Martin (1994) highlighted the significance of the new market knowledge. The inventors of the microwave oven should have done enough research about producing exactly what the stakeholders would want and target those specific markets in order to succeed with their product, as it was later done when Amana designed the domestic microwave oven that was practical enough, small and affordable by households. Also, different markets have been approached since microwave oven is used for drying leather, paper and cork. Clarkson (1995) argues that stakeholders are of several ‘interests, claims or rights, proving again that research should be done. If it wasnt for the radical microwave oven, cooking nowadays would have taken more time. It improved peoples lives and it can be found in almost all households and where other kitchen appliances are situated since it is easy and safe to use. It is expected that gradual change will still be observed and that more advanced versions will be launched in the market in the near future just to meet peoples needs.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power :: Essays Papers

Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power The mid-twentieth century was a powerful and revolutionary time in the history of the United States of America. It marked the beginning of the United States’ transition from a country that was built and perpetuated on biases and discrimination to a nation that was being inspired by and began to adopt new ideas of equality and social justice. During this period of time, various concerned individuals came together to form a variety of groups and organizations that committed themselves to bringing about these newly proposed social changes. These groups strove to make America aware of the social injustices that were, and to some extent, still are present in its society. Moreover these organizations made it of utmost priority to take the necessary measures to exterminate these injustices. These groups, while all striving for civil rights often had different fundamental ideas and beliefs as to what was the most beneficial set of circumstances for black Americans. This aspect of the Civil Rights Movement has proven to be the most problematic and consequently, has caused an immense amount of turmoil and disunity not only between white and black Americans but between people of the same race and ethnicity as well. Throughout history, it has proven to be a fact that power is a threat to power. In this, I mean that people who manage to acquire even the slightest amount of power are a threat to those who have established themselves in a position of power. Thus, those who are in these positions of power attempt to retain this power by depriving others of it. Slave masters, for example, deprived their slaves of the powers of knowledge and music in order to keep them ignorant and unable to communicate over distances, understand much vital information, or band together to overturn the established hierarchy of power. Furthermore, those slaves who rebelled, disobeyed, or challenged the slave master’s power were severely beaten, maimed, or killed; while those that took part in more subtle forms of disobedience, such as â€Å"accidentally† breaking farming utensils or failing to meet their quotas of work were often overlooked or perhaps slightly punished. While to simply disobey as th e passive aggressive slaves did was seen as unacceptable; the slaves that ran away or attempted murder on their masters acted in a new revolutionary manner. Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power :: Essays Papers Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power The mid-twentieth century was a powerful and revolutionary time in the history of the United States of America. It marked the beginning of the United States’ transition from a country that was built and perpetuated on biases and discrimination to a nation that was being inspired by and began to adopt new ideas of equality and social justice. During this period of time, various concerned individuals came together to form a variety of groups and organizations that committed themselves to bringing about these newly proposed social changes. These groups strove to make America aware of the social injustices that were, and to some extent, still are present in its society. Moreover these organizations made it of utmost priority to take the necessary measures to exterminate these injustices. These groups, while all striving for civil rights often had different fundamental ideas and beliefs as to what was the most beneficial set of circumstances for black Americans. This aspect of the Civil Rights Movement has proven to be the most problematic and consequently, has caused an immense amount of turmoil and disunity not only between white and black Americans but between people of the same race and ethnicity as well. Throughout history, it has proven to be a fact that power is a threat to power. In this, I mean that people who manage to acquire even the slightest amount of power are a threat to those who have established themselves in a position of power. Thus, those who are in these positions of power attempt to retain this power by depriving others of it. Slave masters, for example, deprived their slaves of the powers of knowledge and music in order to keep them ignorant and unable to communicate over distances, understand much vital information, or band together to overturn the established hierarchy of power. Furthermore, those slaves who rebelled, disobeyed, or challenged the slave master’s power were severely beaten, maimed, or killed; while those that took part in more subtle forms of disobedience, such as â€Å"accidentally† breaking farming utensils or failing to meet their quotas of work were often overlooked or perhaps slightly punished. While to simply disobey as th e passive aggressive slaves did was seen as unacceptable; the slaves that ran away or attempted murder on their masters acted in a new revolutionary manner.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Events in History from 1820-1850 Essay -- American History

The period from 1820 to 1850 was a time where several important and diversified events in American history occurred. This period was a period of extreme reform. There were many conflicts during this period in which brought about great change. Such conflicts include the Gibbons vs. Ogden, Erie Canal, American Temperance Society, David Walker’s Appeal, Anti-slavery society, Sack of Lawrence, and the Dred Scott Decision. All of these events had one goal, to make the society a better, improved place for everyone, both in the North and South. Inside three people’s lives: free black man, slave women and a middle class white woman, none of them actually had the freedom and rights as opposed to today. If a middle class white woman was married, her life was controlled by her husband. She had no property rights and could not vote. The free black man could own property and vote in many states outside the South. The slave woman had no rights at all. Her "master" could rape her and she could do nothing about it. The economies of each region (North and South) at the time where really only similar in the way they were expanding and growing stronger. One way the two regions differed in economics was in the base of the economy. For example, the South’s economy was based on cotton farming, while the North’s economy was based on manufacturing. Because the South did not manufacture goods, they were forced to purchase finished products from the North- thus adding to the North’s economy. With the South’s money they would acquire cotton from the southern states. Also, in the South, there were little job opportunities for whites since slaves had the jobs in the field, unlike the North where jobs were abundant in factories for the unskilled workers. Many... ...made today. The period between 1820 and 1850 was an interlude of great reform. The conflicts discussed in this phase were crucial in the developments, such as the development of the political party Democrats lead by Andrew Jackson in 1832 and the Whig Party in 1836 showing resistance to Andrew Jackson’s ideas. Though the era did include of opposition in both the parties, but their ultimate goal was to make the society a better, improved place for the citizens, which did eventually occur. Works Cited †¢ Boyer, Paul S. "Chapter 14: From Compromise to Secession." The Enduring Vision: a History of the American People. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. 412-42. Print. †¢ Harding, Vincent. 1981, There Is A River: The Black Struggle for Freedom in America. Vintage Books †¢ Nichols, Alice. "Bleeding Kansas." New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Look into the Secrets Behind Advertising Essay -- Advertisements Med

A Look into the Secrets behind Advertising Did you know that in the course of an average day you are bombarded by over three thousand advertisements? (Faigley 93) From bus stations and newspapers, to e-mails, television, and music videos, today's marketers are finding innovative ways to make their advertisements sophisticated and appealing so that they can lure consumers to their products. How has this phenomena occurred? This â€Å"strategic advertising† is not as complicated as it sounds. In fact, businesses use a formula-like approach when creating such advertisements. In order to be a savvy consumer, I recommend that you be aware of these techniques. To create an ad, businesses research consumer trends. One steadily growing trend in America is the â€Å"on-the-go† fast food industry . . . and it seems as if Americans can not get enough of those juicy cheeseburgers and greasy fries! In order to encourage healthier habits, marketers focus on weight loss and fitness, using strategic advertising to sell their product. An excellent example of strategic advertising is found in the January 2004 issue of People Magazine . This ad, sponsored by Life Time Fitness, promotes Lean Source weight supplement pills. The ad pictures a beautiful, healthy model standing on the beach during a cloudy day. Her arms are wide open, directing us to read the words written below. In the corner of the ad sits a bright bottle of Lean Source weight loss pills and a â€Å"stamp† of approval for the product. This advertisement illustrates how a company uses strategic advertising to sell its product to consumers like us by displaying its supposed credibility, emotional and sexual appeal, and effective visual design. ... ...Life Time Fitness's ad utilizes marketing strategies by making the ad believable, emotionally and sexually attractive, and visually pleasing. Congratulations! You are now an official savvy consumer, so the next time you see an ad that â€Å"catches your eye†, be sure to take a second glance at it. You will be thankful that you did. Works Cited Faigley , Lester, and Jack Selzer . Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments . 2nd ed . New York : Pearson bbbbbbLongman, 2004. Meadows, Michelle. â€Å"Public Health Officials Caution Against Ephedra Use† FDA Consumer Magazine June 2003:1-3. 2003. U.S . Food and Drug Administration. 26 Jan. 2004 . Zarefsky , David. Public Speaking: Strategies for Success, Penn State Version . 2003-2004 ed . New York : Pearson Printing, 2003.

The Older American Act 1965 Health And Social Care Essay

AbstractionIn 1965, Congress created the Older American Act, a federal and province bureau to turn to the societal service demands of the older grownup population. The end of the Older American Act is to assist the older population maintain independency in their places and their communities. The ripening services web refers to the bureaus, plans, and activities that are involved with the Older American Act. As the figure of older grownups addition, the demand for services is expected to lift. Along with the rise of demands there will necessitate to a degree of consciousness. In carry throughing its end, the Department of Aging responds to the demands of societies deriving population through a assortment of services. The Older American Act was enacted in 1965 with the intent of giving older American increased chances for take parting in society. The Older American Act specifies that all older individuals are eligible for services irrespective of income. An older individual is defined as an person who is age 60 and over, with penchant to those with the greatest economic demand but besides particular attending is given to low income minorities and older grownups that live in the rural countries. People 65 and older represent a little more than 9 per centum of the state ‘s population when the Act was enacted. (, 2008 ) By 2006, the figure of aged reached 37.3 million people and 12.4 per centum of the US population. By 2020, about one in six people will be the age 65 and older. Harmonizing to informations compiled by the provinces about 3 million people received services funded by the Act such as place delivered repasts, place attention, and instance direction on a regular footing. ( Le gislation and Budget, 2008 ) The Older American Act requires each province to depict within their twelvemonth programs on how they are traveling to transport out and give penchant to clients. Each of these demands is looked at when services are needed. Greatest economic demand mean the income is below or at the poorness threshold. Each twelvemonth the Department of Health and Human Services sets the poorness degrees. The poorness degrees for 2010 are presently at $ 10,830 for a one-man family and $ 14,750 for a two individual. (, 2008 ) Greatest societal demand mean the demand caused by non-economic factors which included physical and mental disablements, linguistic communication barriers, cultural, societal, or geographic isolation which would curtail the individual ‘s ability to execute normal undertaking or endanger the fact to populate independently.Food PlansHarmonizing to the Centers for Disease Control, the norm 75 twelvemonth old has three chronic conditions and uses five prescription drugs (, 2008 ) Nutrition and wellness can travel manus in manus. Bad eating wonts or deficiency of nutrient can take to hapless vitamin intake, weight issues, and overall emphasis. Based on the 2003 Food Security Supplement to the current population study conducted by the Bureau of Census, approximately 1.5 million families with older grownups reported that they did non hold plenty to eat. Lack of money was the primary ground. ( O'Shaughn, 2008 ) Older grownups populating in poorness were more likely to describe a hapless diet so older grownups populating above the poorness line. In many instances, older grownups are forced to take between purchasing nutrient and paying for medical specialty, public-service corporations, or other personal points. As portion of the Older American Act, the nutrient cast plan is available. The nutrient cast plan was designed to assist stop hungriness and better nutrition for low income. Food cast benefits are used to purchase any nutrient or nutrie nt merchandise for usage by people. For illustration, you could non purchase dog nutrient or lavatory paper with the nutrient casts. The nutrient cast plan is the largest service plan of the Older American Act about accounting for 40 per centum of the support. In 2006, approximately 2.6 million people received 238 million repasts ; 59 per centum of repasts were served to frail older people populating at place and 41 per centum serviced in congregate scenes. (, 2008 ) Congregate repast and nutrition sites are province and federally funded. Almost two-thirds of congregate receivers were age 75 and older and lived entirely. Over one quart had an income of $ 10,000 or less ; 58 per centum reported that the repast plan provided more than one-half of their day-to-day nutrient consumption. (, 2008 ) More than 6.5 million repasts are delivered to the homebound elderly five yearss a hebdomad. Food larders are besides available but are funded by province and community resource s. Senior Farmers Market Nutrition plan is federally funded and provides vouchers to low income seniors to buy fruit and veggies at local husbandmans markets. The trade good Supplement nutrient plan works to better the wellness of people at least 60 old ages of age by supplementing their diets with trade good nutrients. The federal authorities provides nutrient and fund to the provinces to supplement so diets. The nutrient bundles do non supply a complete diet but alternatively points that are typically missing with population. Food bundles include a assortment of nutrients such as non-fact dry and evaporate milk, juice, farina, oats, ready to ear cereal, rice, pasta, peanut butter, dry beans or peas, canned meat or domestic fowl, tuna and canned fruit and veggies. Merely fewer than 433,000 aged participated in the plan in 2007. ( O'Shaughn, 2008 ) States set up an income bound for the aged that is at or below 130 per centum of the federal poverty income guidelines. State may besides set up residence demands and they besides can necessitate participants be nutritionary hazards, which can be determined by their physician or the bureau. Anot her federally funded nutrient plan is the exigency nutrient aid plan. The nutrient is available at local nutrient larders and the individual is provided with transcribed veggies and fruits, pasta, beans, and rice. For protein the bundle may include transcribed tuna, peanut butter and sometimes chicken. Since it is a addendum to other plans, the sums may change and typically, the nutrient that is provided should last 3-5 yearss.Medical ProgramsMedicare is a medical plan that is available to grownups that are having Social Security at age of 65 and older, having Social Security disablement after a 24 month delay and anyone with terminal phase nephritic failure. Medicare benefits consist of four parts. Medicare portion a helps cover inmate attention in infirmaries, skilled nursing installations, place wellness and hospice attention. It is free if you have worked and paid Social Security revenue enhancements for at least 10 old ages. If you have non worked to run into the lower limit so you would be required to pay a monthly premium. Medicare portion B helps cover physician ‘s services and outpatient infirmary attention. It besides covers some other medical services that portion a does non cover such as physical and occupational therapy, preventative attention, lasting medical equipment, research lab trials, X raies, mental wellness and some ambulance services. It besides covers the first three pints of blood if needed each twelvemonth. A few prescription drugs are covered under portion B. Examples of some that are covered are anti-cancer, dialysis drugs and doctor administered drugs that you usually would non bale able to take yourself at place. There is a monthly premium for portion B. Medicare prescription carpet coverage covers both trade name name and generic prescription drugs. Drug coverage provides protection for people who have really high drug costs. Part vitamin D is provided merely through private insurance companies that have contracts with the authorities. Everyone who had Medicare is eligible for coverage, irrespective of income, wellness, or disbursal. ( Werner, 2010 ) Medicare Preventive Benefits are used for testing and early sensing. Medicare covers the initial physical test, cardiovascular showings, mammograms, pablum trials, and pelvic test. This coverage is normally received from a private wellness insurance company such as HMO and PPO. Medicare private wellness programs must offer at least the same benefits as non-private wellness insurance companies. They are non required, nevertheless, to hold the same regulations, costs, and coverage limitations as Medicare provides. Medicaid is a federal and province plan that covers medical attention for older grownups with low incomes. Each province runs different Medicare plans for different groups of people. However, each has the same things in common. Each sate covered older people, people with disablements, and people who are blind. Each province does hold different eligibility degrees. All provinces have plans to supply place and community based attention with limited incomes that are in demand of these services. Each province must besides cover place wellness attention for those with limited incomes. You can hold both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid can cover services that Medicare does non. Medicaid can besides assist cover the out of pocket costs such as deductibles and copayments. Home Health Care services are prescribed by a doctor for a individual who is at hazard of hospitalization or following a hospital stay. These services can include nursing services, physical therapy. Occupational therapy, address therapy, and services provided by a place wellness adjutant. About one out of four families is involved in supplying aid to older household members and other older grownups. About one-half of household health professionals are employed full clip and about two tierces are employed either full clip or portion clip. ( Legislation and Budget, 2008 ) The bulk of health professionals provide unpaid aid for one to four old ages and 20 per centum provided attention for five old ages or more. (, 2008 ) About 7 million health professionals provide informal attention to older people in demand of aid. Home attention can include supportive and personal attention. Supportive attention includes ; place services such as cleansing, wash, cookery, and personal errands. Personal attention includes bathing, nail film editing, medicine, training, and if needed lesion attention. Each province is required to put aside financess to cover these services. Nationally the figure is little with about 300,000 people having attention in 2006. Harmonizing to 2004 informations, about two tierces of receivers who receive the place services lived entirely and were over 75 old ages old, with over four fifths with an income under $ 15,000. (, 2008 ) In the 2006, approximately 44 million dollars were set aside for place attention services. Older American Act services may be provided without the income and plus limitations that are under Medicaid. ( Werner, 2010 ) An of import portion of be aftering for long term attention is understanding how to pay for services. Long-term attention is really expensive and Medicare coverage will non pay for most of the long-run attention services that are needed. One twelvemonth in a nursing place, based on a 2008 national norm, costs over $ 68,000 for a semi private room. ( Illinois Department of Aging, 2009 ) One twelvemonth of attention at place, with the aid of a personal supportive attention worker three times a hebdomad, would be about $ 18,000 a twelvemonth. ( Werner, 2010 ) Costss for long-run attention services can be dependance on the type and sum of services that the client would necessitate. For illustration, nursing places around my country, charge supernumerary for services provide beyond basic room and board charge, which include hair assignments, therapy and activities outside the installation. Medicare merely pays for long term attention if you require skilled services or are recovering from a process and merely necessitate the services for a short clip.Other plans availableThe senior community service plan is a community service and work based preparation for older workers. It is portion of the Older American Act and it provides subsidised portion clip, community service work based on developing for low income people age 55 and older. Program participants work an norm of 20 hours a hebdomad and are paid minimal pay. Placement locations can include twenty-four hours attention centres, senior centres, schools and infirmaries. There are other services available through senior community service employment plan to help the older worker. Participants are offered services that allow the client to hold an single employment program created orientation, community service preparation, one-year physicals and aid in procuring unsubsidized employment. To be eligible for this plan the client must be at least 55 and non hold earned more than 25 per centum over the federal poorness deg ree in income. Employment precedence is given to people over 60, veterans and qualified partners of veterans. Preference is given to minority, limited English speech production, and Indian eligible people. Preference is besides given to those who have the greatest economic demand. Based on engagement records more the 60,000 participants presently enrolled in the plan but as turnover and other occupation arrangements go on, more than 90,000 people will be served. ( Senior resource, 1999-2009 ) Adult twenty-four hours attention centres provide coordinated plans for seniors. Servicess are offered to supply societal and some wellness services to older grownups who need supervised attention in a safe topographic point outside the place during the twenty-four hours. Adult centres are normally unfastened during concern hours five yearss a hebdomad. In some communities, there are some plans offered in the eventide, but a bulk of the plans are during hours where the chief health professional could be at work. Social activities allow the interaction with other members in activities that can run from excursions, games, humanistic disciplines and trades, and exercising. Transportation system is provided and the client is pricked up at place and at the terminal of the twenty-four hours returned place. Meals and bites are provided and if needed can be specialized. Personal attention is provided to clients that need aid with toileting, training, and other personal activities of day-to-d ay life. Harmonizing to the national survey of grownup twenty-four hours services there are 3,400 centres supplying attention to over 150,000 clients a twenty-four hours. (, 2008 )DecisionWhile this is merely a brief overview of the work that the Older American Act does for the aged population, it is proof that the authorities is working difficult to do the concluding old ages on this planet better for everyone. This statute law paves the manner for more plans in the hereafter to assist maintain the aged people safe from injury every bit good as independent and in their ain places for every bit long as possible. The ends of the Older American Act have been carried out through a web of bureaus on all authorities degrees. At a clip when the state is aging, it is of import to see that the best hereafter is created for the aging population.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lemon Lovin’ Life Essay

macrocosmThe company, crumb yellow Lovin breeding, is a lemonade keep going that is in the beverage business. Being that it is a prevalent fuddle and the low cost of showtime a lemonade business, at that place is competition fashioning it quite competitive in the foodstuff. This cross outlines the companys branding strategy, credit of possible reinvigorated locations, promotional plans, and employee tuition opportunities.Branding StrategyTo create a branding strategy for Lemon Lovin invigoration it stick out for also consists of the marketing mix, namely, product, place, and promotion. Lemon Lovin Life has a reasonable size of it and go out be priced competitively. It get out be kn birth for its wellnessy, natural, delicious, and well-known taste. A centralize of the drink is to get it to be appreciated not only during the summer months, further rather, the whole year round. Highlighting its health benefits with increase consumers interest into the product. I f this investiture is success, Lemon Lovin Life could expand by adding a twist to the lemonade drinks.For instance, a lemonade drink can have a conclave of lemon and strawberry, lemon and pineapple provided always focusing on lemon as the main flavor. Ideally the lemonade stand will be placed in front of the owners bear perhaps near a manoeuver for shade. Attracting more consumers, being that they wont have to stand under the shine sun. For marketing purposes, flyers and posters will be distributed in mingled strategic places in the similarity along with calling friends and family. Creating a page on Facebook, a Twitter account, and Instagram, among others, will also heavily use kindly media sites.Opportunities for New LocationsLemon Lovin Lifes goal is to reach as some customers as possible in pitch to address the changing lifestyle choices that primarily aim to have healthy living. The new locations must consider that the home run market has access to the lemonade wh enever theyd like. This strategy will already tap a takings of customers ranging from children, mothers buying for their families, health buffs, and young multitude who can already make their own purchases (Bovee & Thill, 2013, p. 346).Promotion PlansUsually local residents realise new business ventures and Lemon Lovin Life has $10,000 to spend for advertising. Considering the product theme various marketing vehicles will be utilise to communicate the message, image, and presence of the business. Bovee & Thill (2013) asserted that there ar several(predicate) ways to win products, including the use of print media (magazines, local newspapers and assimilator publications) (p. 382), broadcast media (local TV shows, radio programs), hotel guides (Chamber of employment newsletters, brochures, flyers), direct mail (subscriber lists, inserts in newspapers, tycoon mail delivery) (p. 374), social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) (p. 382), and others (attendance in generosity e vents, sponsorships, press conferences) (p. 382).Employee TrainingIn anticipate that the company shall grow, it will be needed to hire more people in order to help run the lemonade stand. It is also important for the company to invest in training the staff to continue to whirl quality lemonade. To do this, the company should always check whether employees are engaged, satisfied, committed, and rooted (Bovee & Thill, 2013, p. 220). Providing employees with line of descent security through a sloshed salary is the first step. Secondly, provide employees with health insurance and retirement plans that can be extended to their families. Finally, the company must experience that employees have a clear calling path, especially for those who have leadership qualities to allow them to have the feeling that what they are doing is worthy and satisfying in itself (Bovee & Thill, 2013, p. 223). When these needs are met, employees are will actually linear perspective the job in a differe nt manner. Their attitude toward working there will be a positive one. oddmentStarting a company is not only about having the money and hiring employees. on that point are other aspects that should be considered, including the viability of the product, the target market, demographical considerations, the location, and marketing the product.ReferencesBovee, C. L., & Thill, J. V. (2013). Business in action. (6th ed). upper berth Saddle River, NJ Pearson.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.